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长城英文导游词 篇一

The Great Wall, symbolizing China’s ancient civilization, is one of themost famous and grand construction wonders in the world. The building of theGreat Wall first began in the seventh century BC. The first section of wall wasbuilt by the Qi Kingdom and the Chu Kingdom. In Chinese history, there are threeclimaxes of building the Great Wall. They were in the Qin, Han and Mingdynasties. The sections of the wall began to be called the Great Wall in thetime of Qin Shihuang. In order to ward off harassment by the Huns and for theuse of further defensive projects, many sections were linked up and expanded andfinally it was extended into a Great Wall. The total length of the Great Wallwas over 5,000 kilometers long, so in Chinese, we call it “Wan Li Chang Cheng. ”The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao, Gansu Province in the west and ended inLiaodong, Liaoning Province in the east. The second climax of building the GreatWall was in Han Dynasty. In order to ward off the Huns as well as to protect theSilk Road, the Great Wall in Han Dynasty extended towards the west for another5,000 kilometers long to the Lop Nur Lake in today’s Xinjiang . The Han Greatwall started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east and ended at the foot ofthe Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang, with a total length of 10,000 kilometers. Thelast large-scale project on the Great Wall was carried out in the Ming Dynasty.In order to ward off the harassment of the remaining forces of the Yuan and thenewly raised ethnic tribe of “Nu Zhen”, the Great wall had been built. The totallength of the Ming Great Wall was more than 7,000 kilometers from Yalu River inLiaoning Province in the east, to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west.It passes nine cities, provinces and autonomous regions. The functions of theGreat Wall in Chinese history are in four aspects, they are in military,economy, perfect harmony of various nationalities and the friendship betweenAsians and Europeans.

The structures of the Great Wall are the beacon tower and watch tower.Beacon towers were built on both sides of the Wall at the commanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and turns for makingwarning signals. Whenever the enemy was sighted, fires were lit on the top ofthe beacon tower at night, and the smoke was made during the daytime. Watchtowers were built at regular intervals on the Great Wall itself for watchingover the invading enemy. A watch tower was usually two stories high, and thedefense soldiers lived inside. The ground floor was used for storing weapons andhad a number of windows for archers. The upper floor had battlements, peep holesand apertures for archers. In the middle of the tower there were small livingquarters for the defense soldiers. The watch towers were not only used by thedefending troops to take shelter from the wind, rain and heat, but also to fightand check the enemy’s advance, and store arms and ammunition.

Next I’m very glad to introduce the Badaling section. It was listed as animportant historical monument under special preservation by the Chinesegovernment in 1961 and was listed by the UNESCO as one of the world heritagesites in 1987. The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest ofBeijing, and it is the best preserved part of the Great Wall. Bada means“convenient transportation to all directions. ”The Great Wall at Badalingaverage 7.8 meters high, 6.5 meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters on the top,wide enough for five horses or ten soldiers walking abreast on the wall. It hasone side with battlements and the parapet is on the other side. The side withthe battlements is about 2 meters high, and the parapet is one meter high. Theouter side of the Wall is topped with crenellated battlements, and a squaresized hole below for shooting arrows and also for keeping a watch over theenemy. The parapet is on the inner side.

Juyongguan Pass is located 50 kilometers northwest of downtown Beijng.There was a 20-kilomere-long valley called “Guangou Valley” from south to north,with 4 passes along the valley. They were of great strategic importance indefending the national capital, Juyongguan Pass is one of them.

Inside Juyong Pass there is an ancient marble platform known as “CloudTerrace”。 It was built in Yuan Dynasty. There used to be three Tibetan stylepagodas built on the terrace with a road passing under it from north to south.Later, when the pagodas were destroyed, a temple was built. However, the templewas burnt down in a fire in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, so only theterrace remained. The Cloud Terrace is 9.5 meters high, 26.8 meters from east towest, 17.6 meters from north to south at the base, and it narrows towards thetop. In the middle edge of the archway, there is a carving of a “golden wingedbird” with the carvings of several animals. Inside the arched passage, there arecarved in relief Buddhist images on the wall. The images of the Four HeavenlyKings, the Buddha of Ten Directions and 1,000 Buddha statues were all carved onthe wall.

Today on the way to Badaling Great Wall, you can see a railway running bythe Badaling Expressway. It is well-known at the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway. Itwas the first railway designed and constructed by Chinese itself. Its chiefdesigner was Zhan Tianyou.

长城导游词英文 篇二

Hello, everyone. I'm your guide, Xiao Wang. First of all, welcome to Beijing Juyongguan Great Wall.

Juyong Pass is one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. It is a barrier to the northwest of Beijing since ancient times. Juyong Pass is built in a 20 kilometer long valley between the mountains, which is the famous "pass" in the capital.

Both sides of Juyong Pass city are "high mountains", with steep cliffs. The pass city dominates the passage to Beijing. This extremely dangerous terrain determines its military importance. Ancient military experts called it "the ancient and modern defense of controlling the north and the South". Gao Shi, a frontier poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in describing the dangerous road of Juyongguan and Guanxiong: "juepo is under the water, and the peaks are high.

According to the records of the Yuan Dynasty, the name of Juyong came from the immigrants who lived here when the first emperor of Qin built the Great Wall. Yong is the civilian soldiers who were forced to come. In fact, the name of Juyong existed before Qin Shihuang unified the whole country. It was written in the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family in the Warring States period. It is recorded that "there are nine fortresses in the world, and one of them is the mediocre". Juyongguan ranks the eighth among the famous eight Xings in Taihang, namely junduxing, which controls Jundushan. Although Juyong Pass has always been an important military defense town for a long time, its name has been changed many times. It was called "Xiguan" in the Three Kingdoms period, changed to "Naqian pass" in the Northern Qi period, first called "Jimen pass" in the Tang Dynasty, and then changed to "Jundu pass". From the Liao Dynasty to the later Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has always been called Juyongguan.

After Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed the Yuan Dynasty and established the Zhu regime, Xu Da, the founder of the country, was sent to build Juyongguan city in 1370 A.D., which is the earliest record of building the Great Wall pass in the Ming Dynasty. This shows that Juyongguan has an important strategic position. The Guancheng built by Xu Da is very big. According to the ancient books, "crossing two mountains, thirteen Li on Monday, four Zhang and two feet high." After the establishment of Juyongguan City, there was a garrison of 1000 households. In the second year of Yongle (A.D. 14xx), it was promoted to Wei, commanding five garrisons.

Juyong Pass has been built in all dynasties since from Fanyang to Duguan", which vividly depicts the prosperous scene of vehicles and horses in Juyongguan at that time. This precious mural is enough to show that Juyong Pass was an important gateway between the inside and outside of the great wall more than 2000 years ago.

长城导游词英文 篇三

e to the great eters to jiayuguan in the gobi desert, thus knoous regions——ningxia and inner mongolia, binding the northern china together.

historical records trace the construction of the origin of the beijing and both are open to visitors.

the eters northwest of beijing.

known as "tian xia di yi guan" (the first pass under heaven), shanghaiguan pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north china with the northeast. it had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. it was the gate of shanghaiguan that the ming general wu sangui opened to the manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by li zicheng and so surrendered the whole ming empire to the manchus, leading to the foundation of the qing dynasty. (1644-1911)

as a cultural heritage, the wall belongs not only to china but to the world. the venice charter says: "historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." the great wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. in 1987, the wall was listed by unesco as a world cultural heritage site

长城英文导游词介绍 篇四

tourists friends, everybody! i am your tour guide wang xinqian. by the next visit i lead you to the world cultural heritage, the great wall. also please keep guests friends health here.

tourists friends, please listen to me to introduce the great wall, the great wall is the treasure of chinese civilization, is one of the world's cultural heritage, is also along with the egyptian pyramid architecture, or the miracle of human beings. in the far more than two thousand years ago, are working people with flesh and blood to build the great wall. the great wall is the crystallization of the wisdom of chinese people, is also the symbol of the chinese nation. after listening to my introduction, tourists friends please follow me to visit the great wall.

starting from beijing, can come to the great wall after more than one hundred feet. this section is built on the badaling great wall, tall, strong, all with a heavy stone and all chengzhuan built in. on the top of the wall is covered with chengzhuan, neatly, wuliupi horse can be parallel. outside the wall there are two meters high rows of buttress, every buttress on outlook and nozzle. on the top of the wall at intervals of more than three hundred meters a chengtai, are used to station troops, between chengtai can mutual echo.

tourists visit friends can listen to me about the information on the great wall, the spring and autumn period and the warring states era, the warring states to mutual defense in their respective border built tall walls, and connect leh and beacon tower, endless miles, therefore calls the great wall. the great wall, self-sustaining, mutually coherent, compared to the great wall of the qin and han, is inferior.

ok, our today's visit to the end, also hope you bring happy mood to share with her family.

长城英文导游词 篇五

We will visit the symbol of China's civilization-the Great Wall. It is oneof the famous, grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world. Itis just like a giant dragon in the northern part of China.

Construction of the Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC. Atthat time it was also called Spring and Autumn Warring States Period. The firstwall that appeared in China was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom Chu. At thattime, the kingdoms in order to defend themselves against the infringing enemyfrom own territories for self-protection. These high walls were the primitivetype of the present day Great Wall.

In Chinese history, large-scale construction of the Great Wall wasconcentrated in three dynasties, they are Qin, Han and Ming dynasties.

In 221BC, Qin Shihuang unified China; he decided to link up all theseparated high walls built by different kingdoms into the Great Wall. The QinGreat Wall started from Lintao, Gansu Province in the west and ended inLiaodong, Liaoning Province in the east, over 500 kilometers long.

The second large-scale construction on the Great Wall was carried outduring the Han Dynasty. Apart from maintaining and utilizing the Qin Great Wall,they built an outer Great Wall about 500 kilometers to the north of the QinGreat Wall in order to ward off the Huns. They also had the Great Wall ectendedtowards the west for another 5000 kilometers long. The Han Great Wall startedfrom Liaodong in the east to the Lop Nur Lake in Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion, with a total length of 10,000 kilometers.

The last large-scale project on the Great wall was carried out in the MingDynasty. That is because the dethroned Mongol Yuan ruler still had the remnantforces and often made counterattack to Beijing, as well as the threats of newlyraised ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen”。 So started from the first year after ZhuYuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty. The whole project took more than 200years to complete. The total lenth of the Ming Great Wall was more than 6,000kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east to Jiayuguan Pass inGansu Province in the west. It passes nine cities, provinces and autonomousregions of Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Ningxia andGansu.

The Great Wall, we see today, in Beijing is mainly the Ming Grest Wall.There was a 20-kilometer long valley named “Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan andBadaling”。 Juyongguan Pass was one of the important passes along the valley, andalso one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. The name “Juyong” inChinese means “a place of poor laborers”。

Today we will visit the Badaling Great Wall, it is about 75 kilometersnorthwest of Beijing, and it is the best-preserved part of the Great Wall. Badameans in English “convenient transportation to all directions”。 It used to bemore important than Juyong Pass in the defence of Beijing. The Badaling GreatWall averages 7.8 meters high, 6.5meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters wideon the top, wide enough for five horses or ten soldiers walking abreast on thewall.

The highest point at Badaling is about 800-1,000 meters above the sealevel. Here at Badaling section is with single side battlements while theparapet is on the other side. The outer of the wall is topped with crenellatedbattlements, which is about 2 meters high and with a square sized hole below forshouting arrows and also for keeping a watch over the enemy, while the parapetsabout 1 meter high is on the inner side.

Buildings on both sides of the wall at the commanding points, the top ofthe mountains or the turns are beacon towers. The beacon towers were used formakong signal of warning messages when the enemy was sighted. Fires were lit onthe top of the beacon towers at night and the smoke signals in daytime. And thenumber of the fire and smoke signals could signify the number of invadingenemies.

The watch-towers are lovated at regular intervals on the Great Wall forwatching over the invading enemy, and it is usually of two stories. The groundfloor was used to store weapons and had a number of window for archers. Theupper floor has battlements, peep-holes and appertures for archers.

Today the Great Wall has lost its signifivance in defending the enemy, butin ancient times the Great Wall was not noly a strong defensive project but alsoplayed a very important role in military, economy and served as a link inpromoting harmonious relationship among the nationalities for the whole , the Great Wall has become a famous tourist attraction in the world.

长城英文导游词 篇六

Dear passengers, everyone! I am your tour guide lily pula, you can call me ho. This is very honored to visit the Great Wall with you.

From a distance, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon. Close look, I can't see the other end of the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, beacon tower stands on the Great Wall, like a "daruma" will never fall. The Great Wall is an important ancient defense works, from yan started to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years now!

There is a touching legend about the Great Wall. When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the wall over the age of 60, other youth to build the Great Wall. Suzhou scholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the rulers, had to be in hiding. Once, he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the Fan Xiliang together. Two old people like Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife. But, the person and tragedies will descend, it is the unforeseen that newly married less than three days, Fan Xiliang go by officers and soldiers to catch. Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe came to the Great Wall to find her husband. Who knows, migrant workers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead. She was crying at the foot of the Great Wall, I don't know how long cry, listen to "bang", the Great Wall fall down a few kilometers.

The passengers, please do not throw garbage everywhere, and in the scribble on the ChengZhuan moment. We are to meet at 7 in the gate.


远远望去,长城像一条巨大无比的长龙。近看,长城一眼望不到头。站在长城上看,一座座烽火台屹立在长城上,像一个永远不会倒的不倒翁。 长城还是古代一项重要的防御工程,从燕国开始修建长城,长城现在已经有20xx多年历史了!



长城英文导游词介绍 篇七

last summer, i went to beijing to travel. there were so many scenic spots, but the most memorable thing i had to remember was the the badaling great wall.

people say, "no the great wall is not a good man." that day, i take the bus to the badaling great wall, after bear park, at the foot of the great wall, far see the great wall, it is like a long, winding between the high mountains and lofty hills. the great wall shanhaiguan east, west to jiayuguan, about more than 6700 km. the the great wall are built on steep mountains, is magnificent and arduous, of great momentum, like the dragon pentium, called the symbol of the chinese nation. the great wall is located in the badaling, tall and sturdy, is built with huge stone and thousands of tons of bricks, the middle of the road, don't look at it just to leave, this road can hold five or six horses parallel walls, along with more than two meters high on the battlements, those at the mouth and shoot mouth, for watching and shooting war, when necessary. every certain distance on the the great wall, there is a square city platform, in the war between the city and taiwan can meet each other, people call it "beacon tower"。 after more than 2000 years of construction, it is the longest artificial building in the world and one of the seven wonders of the world.

don't look at the the great wall is so majestic, but you have not thought about that time in the qin shihuang unified, it is difficult to build the great wall no longer difficult, at that time, no train, no car, no crane, we as can be imagined: "the great wall was built?" with countless shoulders and countless hands, it was very difficult to carry the steep mountains step by step. because of hard work, many people are ill and can not be treated, and they are eventually tortured to death by the disease. even some of them starved to death because of the lack of food. the hard work of people, with their own sweat and wisdom, it condenses into this before does not see the head, but not the tail of the the great wall.

thinking about the great contribution of building the great wall, i had to put up my thumbs up and say it! i'm just getting on the top of this small part and "rest", and how amazing it is to create that long dragon like the great wall. such an ambitious project is a great miracle in the history of the world.


