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文章来源: 管理员 作者: yongbin 发布时间:2023-06-11 01:00:31 阅读:


旅游英语口语对话:乘船 篇一

Dialogue A

A:The ship is about to start. Let's go on board.

B:All right. (passing up the gangway)

A:Where is our cabin?

B:Cabin No. 3,the upper deck. It's near amid ship.

A:Here we are. There're four berths,two upper berths and two lower berths.

B:Which is your berth?

A:The upper one.

B:Let's go for a walk on the deck.

A:OK. Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian?


A:When does this ship 1eave?

B:Four sharp.

A:How many days does it take to Dalian?

B:About two days. It arrives in Dalian at 6∶00p. m. The day after tomorrow. Look!The ship is lifting anchor.

A:How many ports do we call at on our passage to Dalian?

B:Two ports.

A:The ship is going very fast.

B:Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour.

A:Ah,there is a small boat coming towards us.

B:And she is signaling to us.

A:The weather doesn't look very good. look at all those clouds over there.

B:Yes,the wind is beginning to blow but the radio said the weather would be fine today.

A:The wind is blowing hard. It's started to rain. There's going to be a storm.

B:The ship is rolling and pitching now. You look pale. Are you seasick?

A:I don't feel very good.

B:I have some tablets for seasickness.

A:They give me no help at all.

B:Then we'd better go back to our cabin.

A:The sea is very rough. I get terribly seasick. I'm afraid

I'm going to be sick.

B:Go to bed and shut your eyes. It will be all right. The storm will be over soon. (The wind is dropping and the clouds are breaking. )

B:Well,the storm is over,the sea's calming down. How do you feel?

A:I feel much better now.

B:I see a red light off our bows.

A:Is that a light house?

B:Yes,may be we'll be in port before long.

A:How long does this ship lie at anchor here?

B:Half an hour.

A:It is going to dock. Let's go ashore to buy some local and special products.

Dialogue B

(Austin is taking a boat trip to Tasamnia. He and his friendare strolling on the deck. )

A:Nice day,isn't it?

B:Yes,it couldn't be better!A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.

A:I hope it will remain fine all the way.

B:So do I. It can be very rough,though. Is this your first voyage in Australia?

A:Yes. How long does it take to get to Tasmania?

B:The ship is making about thirty knots per hour,so we should arrive there within ten hours.

A:I'm glad it's not very long.

B:Do you get seasick?

A:Usually not. But I don't know how I'd fee1 if the ship was pitching and rolling.

B:In that case,better eat some solid food. Don't drink any liquids.

A:Is that the best remedy?

B:That helped me an uncomfortable voyage.

A:Thank you for your advice. It's a bit chilly,isn't it?

B:Are you feeling cold?Would you like to come with me tomy cabin for a beer?

A:Thank you. It's nice of you to invite me.

简单旅游英语口语对话 篇二

Front Desk:Hello,Ms.Lee?




Front Desk:I am just calling to remind you that you must check out by noon.


Ms.Lee:Oh,my. It's already 11:30 a.m.


Front Desk:There is a $30 late fee for late checkouts.


Ms.Lee:Do you think you could give me a break?I had a very awful night!


Front Desk:What happened,madam?


Ms.Lee:I have terrible insomnia. I didn't fall asleep until 6 a.m this morning!


Front Desk:I am very sorry to hear that.


Ms.Lee:So,can you forgive my lateness?


Front Desk:I think I can make an exception this time.


Ms.Lee:Thanks so much.


Front Desk:Do you think that you will be able to check out by www.baihuawen.cn  2 p.m?


Ms.Lee:No problem!


旅游英语口语情景对话 篇三

It was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.

And those mountain views-they were absolutely breathtaking.

So much to see and do there.

I hadn't realized how much I missed big-city life after being struck out here in the boonies for so long.

We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries.

It's only two hours away by ferry,isn't it?

Victoria is a city I've always wanted to visit.

They say it's such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.

I'll show you my pictures once I get them developed.

游英语口语对话:酒店餐厅 篇四


A:Excuse me. Can you suggest a good restaurant?


B:Yes. What kind of food would you like to eat?


A:Are there any Chinese restaurants around here?


B:There's one across the street.


A:Where can I have the best local food?


B:I suggest you try Green Inn.

我建议你去Green Inn试试看。

A:Is it very far from here?



Do you know if there's a good Chinese restaurant nearby?


Are there any Chinese restaurants along the street?


Is there a less expensive restaurant near here?


I'd like to eat some French food.


A:I'd like to book a table for three at seven this evening.


B:For three. And your name please?


I'd like to make reservation, please.



I'd like a table for three or four at seven.


Please reserve a table for three.


I'm sorry, I'll be about thirty minutes late.


Do I have to be formally dressed?


B:Good evening. How many people do you have in your party?




旅游英语口语情景对话 篇五

May I help you?

I'm interested in a tour.

Is there anything special you want to see?

We have three basic tours.

That's in the all-day tour.

That's a tour of all the most famous places.

Where do I meet the bus?

At the Hilton at nine thirty.

Fine. Please reserve me a seat for this Saturday.

It seems to be going at least 60 miles an hour.

This is a good quality highway,and very wide.

旅游英语口语情景对话 篇六

Excuse me,is this the Gusu Travel Agency?

What can I do for you,sir?

Would you please tell me something about the city?

It is called the Venice of the East because of its net work of canals.

It is world-famous especially for its landscaped gardens.

These gardens are not large but curious in their de-signs.

They bring together the beauties of nature,architecture and painting.

I'd like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around the city.

They can give you further information.

Do you have any tours that include all of them?

How long does the tour take?

What is the cost of the tour?

it's ninety yuan, including lunch.

旅游的相关英语对话:住宿 篇七

1. I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我在台北已预订房间。

2. I made a reservation in Taipei.

3. 我的名字是王明明。

4. My name is Wang Ming-Ming.

5. 我想要一间安静一点的房间。

6. I'd like a quiet room.

7. 我想要楼上的房间。

8. I'd like a room on the upper level.

9. 我想要一间视野好(有阳台)的房间。

10. I'd like a room with a nice view (a balcony). 随时都有热水供应吗?

11. Is hot water available any time?

12. 我可以看一看房间吗?

13. May I see the room?

14. 是否还有更大的(更好的/更便宜的)房间? Do you have anything bigger (better/cheaper)? 我要订这间房间。

15. I'll take this room.

16. 麻烦填写这张住宿登记表。

17. Would you fill in this registration form?

18. 这里可使用信用卡(旅行支票)吗?

19. Do you accept credit crads(traveler's checks)?

20. 是否可代为保管贵重物品?

21. Could you keep my valuables?

22. 餐厅在那儿?

23. Where is the dining room?

24. 餐厅几点开始营业?

25. What time does the dining room open?

26. 早餐几点开始供应?

27. What time can I have breakfast?

28. 旅馆内有美容院(理发院)吗?

29. Is there a beauty salon(barber shop)?

30. 是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片?

31. Can I have a card with the hotel's address?

32. 是否可在此购买观光巴士券?

33. Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here? 最近的地铁站在那里?

34. Where is the nearest subway station? 出国旅游常用的英语口语:


